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How to Make Tuscan Salmon with Artichoke Spinach Sauce and Asparagus

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Tuscan Salmon with Artichoke Spinach Sauce and Asparagus is a culinary masterpiece in the world of delicious fish meals that combines tastes in a symphony of taste and texture. A rich, creamy, zesty artichoke spinach sauce is used in this dish to enrich a scrumptious salmon fillet. This meal is a voyage to culinary bliss when served with nicely cooked asparagus. Let’s have a look at how to make this delectable treat step by step.

How to Make Tuscan Salmon with Artichoke Spinach Sauce and Asparagus


A mouthwatering mix of flavors, Tuscan Salmon with Artichoke Spinach Sauce and Asparagus perfectly embodies the spirit of Mediterranean cooking. A symphony of tastes dances on your mouth thanks to the rich and delicate fish and the silky artichoke and spinach sauce. This meal works well for both traditional supper clubs and cozy home gatherings.

Our sustainably sourced Scottish salmon is renowned for its rich omega-3 fatty acids, which promote heart and brain health while reducing inflammation. The smooth flavor of this fish compliments our creamy artichoke spinach sauce, created with a coconut cream base and hints of savory capers, with a side of roasted asparagus. Rich in protein and fiber, this well-balanced meal supports your gut microbiome and contains abundant antioxidants!

You can enjoy every savory bite with peace of mind, knowing you’re nourishing your body while supporting environmentally responsible, sustainable fishing practices.

Asparagus, Scottish salmon, coconut cream, artichoke hearts, organic baby spinach, capers, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, granulated garlic, sea salt
Thawing: Must be received and stored frozen until “use by date”. Thaw in the refrigerator. Can be held for 3 days.
Reheating: Oven – Preheat Oven to 350°F. Remove film and wrap container in foil. Place on a cookie sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes or until hot (165°F). Microwave – Peel back film on one corner, heat for 3-4 minutes until hot (165°F) Stir often. Add additional minutes if necessary. For frozen cooking, increase time as needed.

1 serving per container
Serving size: 11.5 oz (326g)
Calories per serving: 350
Total Fat 30g, Saturated Fat 10g, Trans Fat 0g, Cholesterol 80mg, Sodium 290mg, Total Carb. 12g, Dietary Fiber 6g, Total Sugars 4g, Protein 35g, Vitamin D 100%, Calcium 6%, Iron 35%, Potassium 25%

Ingredients You'll Need

Before embarking on your culinary journey, gather these key ingredients:

  • Fresh salmon fillets
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • Lemon zest
  • For the Artichoke Spinach Sauce:
    • Artichoke hearts
    • Fresh spinach leaves
    • Garlic cloves
    • Heavy cream
    • Parmesan cheese
    • Lemon juice
  • Asparagus spears

Preparing the Salmon

1.Start by using paper towels to pat the salmon fillets dry.
Season the food with salt, pepper, and a little lemon zest after rubbing olive oil over both sides.
2.Add a dab of olive oil to a skillet and heat it up on medium-high.
3.The fillets should be cooked through and golden brown for about 3–4 minutes on each side when placed skin-side down in the skillet.

Crafting the Artichoke Spinach Sauce

1.Olive oil and chopped garlic are cooked until aromatic.
2.Cook the artichoke hearts, diced, until they start to soften.
3.Cook the fresh spinach until wilted after adding it.
4.Heavy cream should be added and simmered gradually.
5.Add grated Parmesan cheese and stir until the sauce is smooth and decadent.
6.Add some lemon juice for a tart, reviving flavor.

Cooking the Asparagus

1.The asparagus spears’ rough ends should be cut off.
2.Over medium heat, warm the olive oil in the pan.
3.The asparagus should be crisp and tender after 3–4 minutes of sautéing.
4.To taste, add salt and pepper to the food.

Bringing It All Together

Give each plate a liberal tablespoon of the artichoke spinach sauce. Place a cooked salmon fillet carefully on the sauce. Alongside the salmon, arrange the prepared asparagus spears.

Plating Like a Pro

Add some fresh spinach leaves and some lemon zest as garnish to your Tuscan salmon. This gives the meal a splash of color as well as a whiff of freshness.

A Bite of Elegance: Enjoying Your Tuscan Salmon

You’ll savor the robust tastes of the delicate salmon, the decadent creaminess of the artichoke spinach sauce, and the wonderful crisp of the asparagus with every forkful. Each element works in perfect harmony to create a symphony of flavor and texture that is a wonderful treat for the senses.


More than simply a meal, Tuscan Salmon with Artichoke Spinach Sauce and Asparagus is a sensual gastronomic journey that takes you deep into the heart of Tuscany. A tribute to the skill of cooking and the pleasure of savoring each bite is the marriage of flavors and textures.


  1. Can I use frozen salmon for this recipe? Yes, you can use frozen salmon, but fresh salmon is recommended for the best results.

  2. Is the artichoke spinach sauce heavy? While it’s creamy, the sauce has a balanced richness that enhances the overall dish.

  3. Can I substitute asparagus with another vegetable? Certainly, you can substitute it with green beans or broccoli if you prefer.

  4. Is this dish suitable for special occasions? Absolutely! Its elegant presentation and exquisite flavors make it perfect for special gatherings.

  5. Where can I find fresh artichoke hearts? You can usually find them in the fresh produce section of most grocery stores or at farmers’ markets.

2 thoughts on “How to Make Tuscan Salmon with Artichoke Spinach Sauce and Asparagus”


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